Saturday 13 March 2010

An interesting discovery for Weird Investigations

Where were you at just gone midday today? Me? Well I was hunched over in a five foot tall cellar underneath the busy city streets of Bristol being told by a man that I had only just met "This is the corner in which another person took a photo and caught a figure, which they think is the murderer."

 Yes, I was on ghosty business once more at the beautiful Llandoger Trow (a pub said to be the inspiration for the Admiral Benbow Inn, in Treaure Island.) It was only a quick tour as my mum and I were actually in Bristol for something else, but as we were in the area we couldn't resist going to see the building we'd heard so much about that we'll be studying with Weird Investigations in April. Have you bought your ticket yet?

We weren't there to actually do any study or investigation, just to be shown around so that we could get a feel for the general lay out of the place and familiarise ourselves with the apparent ghost stories. Yet, interestingly enough we managed to debunk one story connected to the building within our first five minutes of being there.

See, the Llandoger Trow is reputed to be haunted by the spirit of a little boy who wears leg braces (that can be heard clicking and tapping as he walks around the building), as well as by a female prostitue on the main staircase, a murderer in the cellar (thus the reason I was hunched over in a five foot tall cellar eagerly trying to replicate the aforementioned ghost photo...) and the figures of two men dressed in period clothing who were said to have been caught on the Llandoger Trow's CCTV system when nobody was in the pub.

Anybody with any knowledge of Bristol haunts will tell you about the above ghosts as they're pretty legendary. Only... two of them were never experienced and were made up. Yet spread through word of mouth and the wonders of social media. Let me explain...

The Llandoger Trow is a listed building, and the manager told us that because it's listed they're not allowed to install CCTV systems in those rooms, thus there is no way that two ghostly men could have been seen on the Llandoger Trow's CCTV system by a previous manager from whom the story originated.


I was surprised that this hadn't been published by the numerous teams and groups who have visited the Llandoger Trow. Then again maybe they're not as inquisitive as us Weird Investigation people? I cannot wait to get to the Llandoger Trow in April with Weird Investigations to look into the other reported hauntings because the building has so much character. You can almost picture pirates sitting in the seats having yet another drink.

Signing out for now,

p.s. Thank you to Lisa and Abraham of the Llandoger Trow for being so hospitable, especially Abraham who fell down a five foot sheer drop just to take photos for us (Indiana Jones style!)

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